Australia Collaboration Event Perfumery Perfumes Sydney

“A Gorgeous Excuse” Retail Event at the Sydney Hilton Hotel – Saturday 26 of March 2022

Last two weeks, on the 7th of March, my mind was in a different place and suddenly on the 9th of March received an Invite by “A Gorgeous Excuse” organiser asking me whether I would be interested in participating in this event happening on the 26th of March 2022 to show my products to a bigger audience at the Sydney Hilton Hotel. This made a 180 degree turn to my week.

I made sure this was a genuine invite and checked and decided to participate.

This is going to be an interesting experience and I have been working to make 3 Signature Perfume fragrances that I have had good feedback from my clients in the past.

For the preparation for this event, I asked advice from my friend Ere Perez, who has her own Natural Cosmetics business in Australia, Mexico and other parts of the world. She was quite pleased to support me with her wealth of experience and advice. Thanks, Ere Perez for these amazing 2-weeks working in collaboration together.

As a result, I did a lot of work re-defining my brand in preparation for this event to be competitive to up-market Audience.

At the time I started learning Perfume Making, I was 55 years old. I had the idea of drawing a Shape of a Perfume bottle with that number.

Ana Sastrias

This Event gathers women happy to be together and have fun, shopping experience and participate in activities and meals and fashion parade during the day.

A new logo has been designed and new labels and new bottles are expected. The logo was inspired by the idea of celebrating my age at the time I started making my own perfumes. I was 55 years old. I had the idea of making a Shape of a Perfume bottle with that number.

For more information about this event:

Contact “A Gorgeous Excuse”

Follow me on my Instagram

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