The cover of a one hundred year old book on perfumery.
Grasse History Perfumes

The Old Perfumery Book

Posted by Admin

In Grasse Ana has access to many resources not easy to find elsewhere. This includes historic material in the Grasse Museum of Prefumery and materials at the Grasse Institute of Perfumery such as this wonderful book. From its Art Nouveau decoration it looks like it was published around the end of the 19th century, or in the first decade of the 20th century. It is encyclopedic in its information on techniques of the time and is fully illustrated, revealing the people and processes from the farm to the final product. What a treasure to find and to learn from.

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A book about perfumes published more than a hundred years ago.
An Art Nouveau book about perfumery published more than a century ago. Such a wonderful book, well used, and yet lovingly preserved.
The pages of the book showing flower production a hundred years ago.
Pages from the book showing the production of raw materials from plant sources a century ago.

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1 Comment

  1. Really good blog, cheers for the post

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